Today's kids, tomorrow's PROGRAMMERS

Online educational platform for students aged between 10-17. You can learn all sorts of cool digital skills and create real projects to turn your dreams into reality.

two men using computer and laptop
two men using computer and laptop

Our own learning path



Game-based learning

Coded by Jude, 13, studies Python
(Pong Game)

Kodify where students create and grow

Real projects by some of our students...

Coded by Yousef, 14, studies Python
(Cookie Clicker Game)

Coded by Raghad, 13, studies Python
(Spaceship Game)

Coded by Noor, 15, studies Python
(Pong Game)

Here in Kodify, kids choose their own path...

With Kodify, children can learn digital skills and practice making real projects through interactive courses. This helps them discover their creativity and entrepreneurial abilities along the way.

Free trial lesson with a teacher

Sign up for a free trial lesson with a teacher and have all your questions answered.

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